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HSE HomeBirth

I'm a German trained midwife in private practice in Cork since 1990.

HSE HomeBirth

I'm a German trained midwife working for the HSE in Cork.

I am contracted by the HSE to provide a safe option for women who opt for having their

babies in the safety of their own home free of charge. The  service consists of  a minimum of five antenatal visits alongside your GP appointments and hospital dating/anatomy scan.



I book you in to visit our dedicated consultant in our monthly home birth clinic after the

initial consultation. An anomaly scan is arranged for you also.

I space our visits according to best practice and I incorporate dietary advise, yoga and

'spinning babies' exercises in the 45 minute to hourly consultations in my clinic near Macroom. 

At 36/37 weeks I come to your house and we discuss your options and preferences regarding the details for the upcoming birth. A birth pack is also provided by the HSE at this time.


Water Birth

The HSE homebirth service is currently the only service to provide water birth options. I can provide pool, liner and pump.



I take you through a natural labour, when to ring me, methods of natural pain relief and

other topics of the upcoming event are discussed, preferably with your partner present.

I am available to you around the clock from 37 to 42 weeks.


I carry emergency equipment for mum and baby and a second midwife joins me during the last phase of your labour. Emergency services have been informed of your exact location also, so IF I need back up, they know exactly where to go.


After the birth 

After the birth I stay for a few hours until you and baby are safely tucked up in bed and all vital signs are normal.

I visit frequently during the first two weeks, checking vital signs of you and baby including oxygen saturation, jaundice, heel test and your own recovery.


I weigh the baby at appropriate intervals and advise on bathing the baby, skin care, breast feeding, wound care, if applicable, vaccinations, contraception, etc. At my last visit the baby's discharge weight is established and I advise you on pelvic floor exercises also.


The care is then handed over to your local Public Health Nurse.


Different packages for private health insurance are available.

Get in touch

If you would like more information on the HSE Homebirth Service please get in touch.

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(087) 2525 771

Elke Hasner, Macroom, Co. Cork, P12DN32, Ireland

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